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Email Delivery Issues

When sending Zelos it might happen that an email does not reach the recipient, even though it is marked as received in Zelo.

Written by Simen Ytre-Arne
Updated over 3 years ago

Email from Zelo is by default sent from "" We have a good ranking for spam reports and a good email reputation. However, it might happen that a Zelo does not reach the recipient's inbox it was intended for.

Invalid email address

The most common reason for a failed delivery is an error with the email address. A send to an invalid address will show up in the dashboard under "Bounced emails" or "Sendings could not be delivered." Update the addresses and send them again, and the problem should be gone.

Advertising flags and Spam filters

Even though we have a good email reputation, some email providers might think an email from Zelo is a commercial advertisement or spam and filter the email before it reaches the recipient's inbox. It would still be marked as received in Zelo since it has been delivered to the recipient's email server.

The Zelo does not reach the recipient at all.

Suppose a recipient cannot find a Zelo after checking the inbox, spam filters, etc. In this case, there might be a corporate firewall that filters out incoming emails before it even reaches the recipient.

It would still be marked as delivered in Zelo since it has been delivered to the recipient's email server. Talk with the IT department and see if you can find the reason for the missing delivery.

Allow listing

If you send a lot of Zelos to colleagues who use the same email provider (, the right solution is to ask IT to allowlist the domain "" This way, the deliverability is secure, and your email server would mark emails from Zelo as safe for spam filters and other email rules.

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